Guilty by Dissociation: December 2010 Guilty by Dissociation: December 2010

So Eden's flight is delayed. She won't be here until tomorrow afternoon. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I should have known; the right side of my head started hurting right before she left for the airport and I felt nauseous. I don't think I'm okay right now.

This is why I never get my hopes up. I never get excited. I never let my guard down. I'm usually not 'disappointed' and afterward I feel pretty silly for it. And what happens the first time I allow myself to be excited, to get my hopes up, and to let my guard down? Her flight got delayed and she would miss her connecting flight. FUCK. I'm just angry and everyone knows that yelling profanity is a good outlet. It's angry, it's loud, it's...helpful.

Funny thing is - even though I'm pretty messed up over this - I still have my hopes up for tomorrow. I'm still excited. I can't imagine what's happening for her right now with the BPD..

I can't do this right now..


-Expresses emotions more assertively.
-Recognizes specific events to grieve.
-Briefly demonstrated excitement.

Things to work on tomorrow:
-Work full shift without getting down.
-Clean room
-Try to stay busy

     During therapy, Emily tried to switch out. I've never stopped an alter halfway through switching before. I could feel my body loosening up and it was like the whole process was in slow motion. My therapist said it only lasted a minute. It was like being inside of my body and outside of it at the same time. It was pretty neat. Laia spoke a few words, but she didn't come out. She just interrupted my sentence to speak ill of my ex. My therapist opened the DSM IV and was asking me questions. I think she was trying to fit some kind of diagnosis together, but she didn't tell me what she was looking at and I didn't ask. It was kind of close to the front of the book. She asked if I exhibit social reciprocity, or feed off of others' emotions when I socialize with them. She asked if I divert eye contact or have trouble keeping it for extended periods of time. And she asked if I have little rituals or routines. I need to look up whatever it is that she was asking me; I want to find out what it was. I also showed some excitement when I told her that my best friend might be coming down this weekend. 
     She told me I'm making notable progress and to keep doing what I'm doing. I've come a long way in the last few months. I've got a lot further to go, but I'm confident that I can overcome it. I'm determined.

     There probably won't be another update for a few days since Eden comes home tomorrow night and I'll be spending as much time with her as I can before school starts back. 

Happy New Year!!

     Today started off pretty shaky. I didn't get out of bed until after 1pm. During that time, I was extremely down. I'm still pretty tired out from all of the feeling I had to do. I've discovered that I can only grieve in small amounts at a time. It doesn't come as a surprise, but in a way, I thought I could do more. I went for a pretty short walk - about 2 blocks to the store and back. It's an improvement, however small. Though, I don't think I'll be doing that anymore cos cigarettes were $5.02 there. I have therapy in a couple hours, so I'll probably post something else today seeing as I can barely keep my eyes open to write this.

     I messed up pretty badly with a friend of mine last week. One of my alters really insulted my friend's boyfriend and I'm not sure she believes that it wasn't me. I won't sit here and try to justify it, but I don't think it should put a bar on our friendship and I certainly don't think it was enough for her to take me off of her friends list on Facebook. Ah well. Such is the life of a dissociate. Friends come and go. I can say that I'm used to it by now, honestly, and while it still bothers me, I've learned to cut off ties when I have to without feeling like I lost something or someone. It's a shame though; I thought we'd stay friends this time.
     I'm pretty confused lately. Things are coming out of my mouth that I have no control over. It starts fights with Eden, it hurts those close to me.. I'm worried it could impact my job if I can't stop it. I go back to work tomorrow after having the last week off. I hate it. I wish I had more hours, but in a way, it's good for me to have time off. There's going to be a schedule change after January 1st - everyone will have a set schedule and work the same times and same days every week. I'm looking forward to that. Routine, normalcy, stability..all things my life is severely lacking right now. 
     I also just found out that I'm going to have to pay for school this semester. My financial aid fell through because I dropped a class last semester (before the penalty date, though) and still got slammed by the man. Apparently I wasn't supposed to drop any classes last semester or they take away my aid. That really sucks cos that means no summer money on the returns. It also means that I may have to pick up an extra job or talk to my bosses about picking up some 3rd shift hours on the side. It's a really stressful situation, but I'm going to get my CISCO certificate so I'll have it as supplementation when I go to university in fall. Once I have that certificate, I can actually go and get certified as a network specialist, which is a good starting point. I'd rather get the degree, but it would take 3 semesters of 5 classes or however else I'd split it up, but in that time I would be receiving my B.A. in Information Technology and starting on my Master's as either a programmer or a developer (opposite ends of the spectrum, right?). I just have a lot to think about.
     But it doesn't all have to get done today. I need to prepare myself for therapy. You know, get ready to have my ass kicked and put through a blender before being made to eat it. I hate what she does to my head, but damn she's good. She's specialized in trauma for 20 years and she really knows what she's doing and she pushes my limits every week. I need that. Come back later for my progress report.


     Things are going to go a bit differently now. I'm tired of only logging on to bitch and moan about things. And I've started something in therapy that will require a change of pace if I'm going to keep this blog up.

Progress today:
-Got out of bed.
-Successfully brushed my teeth.
-Got dressed.
-Left the house.
-Did something for myself.
-Stood in line at the grocery store.
-Spoke to house-mates.

Things to work on tomorrow:
-Emily's playtime.
-Keep myself in a good mood and vent if I can't.
-Grieve a little.
-Work as hard as I can my full shift.
-Complain less.
-Create something (the blog counts).

     Tomorrow's going to be odd. I've never grieved over my mother's absence before or anything else that required it except the loss of my uncle; that still gets to me.. It's going to be interesting, to say the least. I'm so used to numbing up over everything and shutting it out or pushing it down. My therapist says this is probably going to be the most difficult thing I've ever done and I have to be ready for it and be ready to deal with it. I've spent the last 10 years in some fucked up stage of denial. I deserve to heal and to be able to move forward with my life. I know that I can't change my mother. And I'm not doing this for her. I'm doing it for me. Finally. I have a formula now - a guideline to grieving, if you would. And yeah, it's most likely going to kick my ass and at times I'm going to wish I'd never started, but when it's over...I'm going to be new. I'll be whole. The burden that has weighed me down for far too long will be lifted and I will rise once more. It'll be intense from beginning to liberating end. I decided to do this about 2 weeks ago and for the past 2 weeks I've been talking myself out of it. Not anymore. I have to do this; I want to do this; I'm going to do this and I will see it through, no matter how much it hurts because I deserve to have a normal, functioning life.
     (Always end on a good note...)

     Today was pretty awesome, actually. I finally left my house and put myself out in the 'real world'...kind of. If you call the mall the real world, then okay. I did that. I purchased some new games and ordered GH with 2 Kramer's. I am pleased and one day I'll be actually be able to feel excited!  :)  Eden says it's like having a panic attack, but being happy about it. I'm not sure that I should anticipate that, but I'm going to try to feel excited when she comes back in 2 days. I've been listening to a lot of new music lately. It keeps my mind busy and I'm finding some pretty good stuff.

Also, this is the book I'm reading right now, thanks to my fiance for sending it to me. It inspired me to finally make this change. If anyone reading this has grief that hasn't been dealt with, or has suffered a loss, or experienced a traumatic event and you just can't seem to pull through on your own - this may be the book for you. It's certainly helping me.


     I sit in silence a lot more than I used to; allowing the thick blanket to surround me and block out the world. I create images and word patterns and color schemes and then forget them. I trail on endlessly in my thoughts, much like a monorail. I'm heading to a specific destination, but there's some stops along the way. I actually read the last thing I posted in May and couldn't recall writing most of it. Maybe a sentence or two. The silence allows me to stop thinking. To shut down and take a break. I don't think. I never have. I only see a map of stimuli/response, cause/effect, and where there should be a bridge connecting thought to emotion, there is nothing but a deep chasm where all emotion disappears. Sometimes I wonder if emotions are over-rated. Or if I'm simply too afraid to feel anything. I get angry, I get sad, I get content, a little cheerful, and there's a lot of anxiety mixed in with everything. Emotions make me sleepy. If I feel for more than 10-15 minutes at a time, I'm fighting to stay awake. Sometimes I forget who I am. I struggle with my name a lot. That's not normal - along with almost everything else in my life. There's always a dull pressure in the frontal lobe of my brain like it's pressing against my skull and struggling to break free. My left arm tenses and aches if I start feeling. No one can explain any of it.



Rae has DID. There are people in her head that take over and make her lose time/forget things. She also has ADD, OCD, and is quite possibly On the Borderline with her fiance, Eden, but she hasn't been properly diagnosed.

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